Did you have a little too much to drink last night?
Do you have a headache?
Do you feel weak?
Are you nauseated?

You’ve probably got a hangover. Hangovers are caused by drinking too much alcohol at one time, and are dependent on each person’s tolerance level for alcohol. It can be based on height, weight, and the genetics of a person. There is no cure for a hangover but there are a few simple home remedies that can help make you feel better. Thankfully, hangover symptoms last only about 24 hours.

The main symptom of a hangover is dehydration and that can be minimized by drinking plenty of water. A headache is a symptom of dehydration and may be eased with pain relievers and by drinking water.

What Causes you Hangovers?
  1. Dehydration of the body - Alcohol is a diuretic (a drug that increases urination and flushes fluids from the body). Drinking coffee the following morning will only increase this problem as coffee is also a diuretic.
  2. Your drinking too much alcohol - Too much alcohol depletes the body of necessary substances required to stay healthy such as vitamins and minerals, water, and blood sugar.
  3. Some alcohol is worse than others - Brandy, red wine, rum, whiskey, white wine, gin and vodka. The British Medical Journal did tests that showed drinking bourbon whiskey is twice as likely to cause a hangover than the same amount of vodka.
  4. There may be mild poisons in your drink - Dr Ian Calder of the London based National Hospital for Neurosurgery states that there are complex organic molecules such as methanol and acetone that are found in some drinks and are said to be responsible for hangovers rather than ethanol (alcohol).
  5. Mixing drinks can cause hangovers. Be careful with what you’re drinking and when you’re drinking it.
  6. The wine is from a bad harvest - If you are drinking wine that comes from a country where a small change in the climate can make a big difference to the quality of wine, eg France, Germany, New Zealand, then in a bad season the wine contains many more substances that can cause hangovers.
  7. You’re drinking a wine that’s too young - Almost all red wines and chardonnay are matured in oak barrels so that they will keep and improve. If you drink this wine younger than three years you run a higher risk of getting a hangover. As a rule of thumb wine stored in oak barrels for six months should be acceptable to drink within the first year. If the wine is stored for twelve months or more in oak barrels it should then be left for at least four years. Some winemakers have been known to add oak chips directly into the wine to enhance flavors, especially in a bad season, and this can take years to become neutral.

Home Health Remedies
  1. Do not have an alcoholic drink in the morning as a cure for a hangover. Another drink does not help and may only make your hangover worse.
  2. Some people think that having a cup of coffee will help to drive away your hangover. NOT TRUE. Avoid coffees and any other caffeinated beverages as they can cause you further dehydration.
  3. Take Vitamin C as it may increase the rate of alcohol breakdown in the body.
  4. Alcohol causes dehydration, so drink plenty of water. Also drink fruit juices and tomato juice.
  5. Bouillon soup or sports beverages (i.e. Gatorade) may help replace depleted salt and potassium.
  6. Try a cold pack to relieve headache pain.
  7. For a headache, take acetaminophen unless you have known liver disease or drink heavily and, therefore, may be at risk for liver disease.
  8. Alcohol consumption can irritate your stomach lining so avoid aspirin and ibuprofen since they may only serve to increase this irritation.
  9. For an upset stomach, try an over-the-counter antacid. Peppermint and chamomile tea may also help.

Future Prevention for the Hangover Person
  1. Never drink on an empty stomach. Food helps to absorb some of the alcohol and aids the body in digesting it faster.
  2. Try to eat starchy foods to slow down the alcohol absorption.
  3. Limit yourself to less than 1 drink per hour.
  4. Try to alternate your alcoholic drinks with nonalcoholic beverages such as water.
  5. Stick to non-carbonated drinks as carbonation can speed up the alcohol absorption.
  6. Try to avoid sweet drinks (and sugary foods) while you drink. The sweet taste of the drink can make it difficult for you to judge how much alcohol you’re actually consuming.
  7. Be sure to choose drinks with low levels of congeners (light drinks such as white wines, gin, and vodka) – these are additives that are found in alcohol that increase your risk of a hangover. Dark-colored drinks (such as red wine, bourbon, and rum) have higher levels of congeners and should be avoided as often as possible.
  8. Drink lots of water before you go to bed.
  9. Get plenty of rest.

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