We all know that a Viagra drug can make our penis to erect, some people that have a problem of penis erection may use this kind of drugs and it cost a lot of money to buy it.
But there's an alternate way to Viagra it's effective and less cost of money. Here’s what you gonna do. Buy a Buko Juice, a Buko Juice is actually Coconut water inside a Coconut fruit. This delicious juice, called Buko Juice in the Philippines, is a refreshing drink for a hot summer day.
Then buy an Extra Juice, Extra Juice is an energy drink just like lipovitan.
Mix the fresh Buko Juice and a one sachet of Extra Juice in a small fetcher or a mug, stir it until the Extra Juice is dissolved. You can put it in a freezer to make it cold and drink it. You will notice the result, you penis will erect as hard as you expected. One of my friend try it, and he says its very effective he can do four rounds of sex with his girlfriend.
I ask him if there's any side effect he notice after using it. And he says, so far there are no side effects.
But there's an alternate way to Viagra it's effective and less cost of money. Here’s what you gonna do. Buy a Buko Juice, a Buko Juice is actually Coconut water inside a Coconut fruit. This delicious juice, called Buko Juice in the Philippines, is a refreshing drink for a hot summer day.
Then buy an Extra Juice, Extra Juice is an energy drink just like lipovitan.
Mix the fresh Buko Juice and a one sachet of Extra Juice in a small fetcher or a mug, stir it until the Extra Juice is dissolved. You can put it in a freezer to make it cold and drink it. You will notice the result, you penis will erect as hard as you expected. One of my friend try it, and he says its very effective he can do four rounds of sex with his girlfriend.
I ask him if there's any side effect he notice after using it. And he says, so far there are no side effects.
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