Not all visitors to you blog like Blogger and Wordpress or whatever that blog is, will be able to familiar with this RSS Feeds or how they work. But there are some visitors that is familiar with it, and they just don't want to mess it out with using a Feed Reader. RSS Feed is not the only option, way or method to subscribe a Feed. Email subscription is the other great way or method of service to offer to your beloved site visitors.

But before you can do it, you'll need an email subscription service that will send out the emails for you. I greatly recommend to you the Feedburner, this services is the most popular feed reader today. Check out my email subscription link on the top part of the side bar of this blog to see how it works and how it looks.

First of all, you'll need to setup or create a Feedburner Feed account if you don't have one. Create Feedburner account, if you don't have. Then follow these instructions to do so.
  • Log-in to your Feedburner account
  • Once you're logging in, click My Feeds link in the upper-left corner then select your feed from the list.
  • Click the Publicize tab
  • Click Email Subscriptions link on the left side.
  • Make it sure it is Activated, if not then you must enable it to activate.
  • Choose what type of Subscription you want to prepare, its either Subscription Form or Subscription Link, it's up to you to decide which one.
  • Copy the HTML code of the Subscription type you choose.
  • Log-in to your blog.
  • If your blog is Wordpress, then go to the Design section (a.k.a Presentation or Themes, it depends what version is Wordpress)
  • If your blog is Blogger, then go to Layout section and then in your sidebar navigation click Add Element to add a new widget.
  • Choose Javascript/HTML in the selection menu of widgets and then paste the HTML code then save it.
  • If your blog is Wordpress and If you’re not using widgets, you’ll need to have basic knowledge of HTML. First click the “Theme Editor” sub-tab, and select “Sidebar” from the list. Usually sidebar modules go between tags; some other themes use. Paste the code in your sidebar between the appropriate set of tags in the location you want, click Save, and you’re done!
  • If your blog is Blogger and you don't feel to use a widget, you need also a basic knowledge of HTML.
  • Click Layout link then click Edit HTML then check the check box beside the Expand Widget Templates to expand the code.
  • Then find these piece of code
  • Below it, paste the the HTML code.
  • Click the Preview button to preview the result before you save it. If your satisfied with the result, then save it.

If you like this article please subscribe to my Feed or via Email to keep you updated whenever I post a new one.


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